Sunday, 18 December 2016

AUSTIN: the half deaf man.

In music class, we talked about a text. It's about a deaf boy named Austin, who one day in his doctor's office, to test a new hearing aid, began to hear all the sounds that overwhelmed the room. He decided that he would spend a big part of his days listening to music, since for him it had always been a mystery: from why people move wildly with her, to the emotions she produces.
He searched  full of emotion about the music and all the types of it that exist. First came the Queen (Bohemian Rhapsody), Frank Sinatra (Fly me to the moon), Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson, Sigur Rós, Elvis, Radiohead and The Beatles. (that surprisingly were of the last.)
He always tells when he first listened to his first piece: Mozart's Lacrimosa. From that moment, he couldn't stop listening to music, although he adds that the best sound, which will never be replaced, will always silence ... He loves to listen to that mixture of rhythmic and catchy sounds, but he misses the complete silence! Ironic, right?

Austin's history

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