Thursday, 31 May 2018


Jealous: full of a feeling of resentment or anger about someone's success, achievements, advantages.
Competitive: relating to competition.
Vain: overly proud of or concerned about one's own appearance, qualities, achievements.
Lazy: unwilling to work or perform effort, activity, or exertion; indolent
Proud: feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something thought of as bringing credit or honor to oneself
Stubborn: unreasonably unwilling to change; unyielding.

I get on well with my parents most of the time and I think we have a good relationship . When
I have a problem, they are the first people that I turn to for help. For
example, if people at school pick on me, they will always be very sensitive and
helpful. My parents also put up with me when I´m moody or lazy. Luckily, we
don´t fall out very often, but when we do, we make up and forget about it
quickly! I really look up to them and respect them, but there´s one thing that
really annoys me. My mum always tells me off when I do something wrong, even for
small things like leaving my shoes in the wrong place. The worst thing is that
she tells me off in front of my friends . It´s so embarrassing.What should I do?

Thursday, 10 May 2018



Talking about food: 

  • How is it cooked?
  • It's cooked on the grill / in the oven / in a pan.
  • What's that made with?
  • What does it come with? / What it is served with?
  • It comes with... / It's served with...
  • What has it got on / in it?
  • It's got...on / in it.
  • That smells / looks / sounds / tastes...
  • I don't like the smell / looks / sounds / tastes...
  • I don't like the smell / look / sound/ taste of that!
  • I'm fond / not very fond of...
  • I'm keen / not very keen on...
  • ...are favourites / is a favourite of mine.
  • I can't resist...  



  • By recyclible rubbish: trash that can be used one more time
  • Destroy forests: demolish physically a wooded place.
  • Dump recyclable waste: rubbish that is used inefficiently.
  • Poison fish: dangerous liquid from aquatic animals.
  • Pollute rivers: a channel of water contaminate.
  • Protect fields: an agriculture land defend from attack.
  • Ring-pulls: starter cord
  • Reliable: trustworthy 
  • Necklace: jewellery worn on the neck.